Admit it. We’ve all done it. At least once! We all have needed some extra leverage to loosen a stubborn bolt and slipped a pipe over a wrench handle to gain some extra torque.
Ratchets from GearWrench
Well GearWrench figured that out and have come out with a new line of Long Handle Ratchets. These babies are over 25 percent longer than standard ratchets offering increased reach and greater leverage. In fact one of the 1/2″ drives is a full nineteen inches in length. That should do the trick and loosen the most recalcitrant bolt.   It has a low profile head and a flush-mount.
This set of wrenches has the 84 tooth gear and so only needs 4.3 degrees of arc for easy maneuverability in tight spaces. Some even have a nice padded handle to make it easy on your hands too.
Sizes for GearWrench Ratchets
The 84-Tooth Long Handle Ratchets are available in either full-polish or cushion grip in the following drive sizes: 1/4 inch, 3/8 inch and 1/2 inch. Check out your favorite tool shack to check these out or look at www.gearwrench.com
Padded handle long handled ratchetPhotos courtesy GearWrench