At the Goodguys Fifth Spring Nationals Car Show held in Scottsdale, AZ Dan Sobieksi brought out his green 1962 Cadillac. This Cadillac was scrapping the asphalt.
The judges were right to award it their So Low pick.
Dan Sobieski
While you might not recognize the name, you’ll probably recall that he was a fabricator at Boyd Coddington’s shop when it was captured on TV’s American Hot Rod. Dan formed his own shop Poor Boys Hot Rods and in fact occupies part of Boyd’s old shop in La Habra, CA. We have spotted Dan swinging by with one of his rods at the Friday night cruise – Cruising Grand – in Escondido Ca
1962 Cadillac
The Cadillac was down low but also spotlighted a custom authenticate flake green paint job for the roofline. In fact it was painted just months before the Goodguys Rod and Custom show.
Everything about this rod screamed period authentic custom. Nice to see such a good eye for detail. Dan has a Facebook page for his 1962 Cadillac.
On Sunday in the awards area, Dan’s lady friend had a matching purse. Have to wonder which came first the car or the purse?